Hi I'm Kevin

I'm a software engineer and I develop full-stack web apps with responsive front ends




I'm a skilled software engineer with experience in full-stack development. I have experience in Javascript, Typescript, and Python. My favoirte frame works are React.js and Next.js for front-end development, and Experss.js and flask for backend development. I am a bootcamp grad from Hack Reactor, a 13-week Software Engineering immersive program that gave me the formal education that I needed to become a valauble programmer. My previous experience helped me develop my communication and organization skills, Hack Reactor taught me how to learn, and now I'm ready to tackle any challenge and help build tech that will better the lives of people around the world!

Web Developer

Web Developer

Backend Developer

Backend Developer

Software Engineer

Software Engineer


How did I get here?

Education and Experience


Some things I'm proud of


The following are some of my favorite projects that demonstrate my skills and experience through real-world examples of my work. I've included a brief description of each project along with links to code repositories or live demos in it. Please take a look!

Questions And Answers API

Questions And Answers API

Inherited a legacy codebase and refactored the back-end using Node and a PostgreSQL database




Basketball Scrape API

Basketball Scrape API

A flask project that scrapes basketball reference to give users NBA roster and player data



#web scrape

1000 Blank White Card

1000 Blank White Card

Full-Stack Development of a board game modeled after the popular 1000 Blank White Cards game




Guess That Baller
live link

Guess That Baller

A Wordle inspired NBA game that uses Next.js




Full-Stack Development of a closet organization web app that includes a color-matching outfit builder inspired by my own colorblindness




Project Catwalk

Project Catwalk

Front-end facelift of a web application



#css modules


Get in Touch!
